ООО "КТМ" - Поставка эталонного и технологического оборудования для производственных и научных целей

ООО «КТМ» - Поставка эталонного и технологического оборудования для производственных и научных целей

Контакты ООО "КТМ"


Mechanical dead-weight tester

Primary standard

  • Pressure range: 0,04… 250 MPa
  • Accuracy: 0,005; 0,01; 0,02; 0,05

Pressure balance MP-6…600 Pressure balance MP-1000, MP-1600, MP-2500

The Pressure balance is available in nine versions: 6, 60, 100, 250, 400, 600, 1000, 1600, 2500 with accuracy class from 0,005 to 0,05.

The device is designed for calibrating gauge pressure measuring instruments: pressure calibrators, pressure transducers (sensors), reference and other manometers, pressure balances.


Piston-cylinder assembly (PCA) made of tungsten carbide provides for significantly reduced (fourfold) temperature effect on measurement results, long-term stability, wear resistance and durability of the device.

Set of weights made of stainless steel (stainless non-magnetic steel for instruments of accuracy class 0,01 and 0,005).

Working fluid MP-6…MP-600 — oil, water, MP-1000…MP-2500 oil. Hydraulic system for pressure generating includes pre-filling pump and screw press.

Piston-cylinder assemblies (PCA) for MP 60 and MP 600 can be manufactured suitable for using with one and the same set of weights.

 Pressure balance MP Datasheet

 Pressure balance MP User manual