ООО "КТМ" - Поставка эталонного и технологического оборудования для производственных и научных целей

ООО «КТМ» - Поставка эталонного и технологического оборудования для производственных и научных целей

Контакты ООО "КТМ"


  • Output pneumatic pressure: to 45 MPa;

Pressure booster system K-450

The pressure booster system K-450 is a gas compression system. Electro-pneumatic pressure booster K-450 is used for generation high pressure with range to 45 MPa. This pressure may be used for to measuring instruments (pressure controllers…) and various actuators feeding, equipment leak and strength tests.


  • In contrast with available analogues, this device does not require constant air consumption and pneumatic air supply to the actuator.
  • High rate of pressure generation with precise set.
  • Absence of greasing materials within the structure provides for dry and clean compressed air at the output.
  • Built-in vibration dampening system and low noise level (lower than 45 dB).
  • Automatic protection against overpressure.

 Electro-pneumatic pressure booster system K-450 Datasheet